The Turtle Clip Family

The Turtle Clip Story


In 2010 we were expecting our first child and decided to take a break from City jobs and go on an adventure.

We took a year out, driving across France and Switzerland to an extended stay in Barcelona from where we took the boat to Mallorca. Mallorca is the biggest of the Balearic islands and with its natural beauty, laid-back lifestyle and temperate climate, we accepted that this island would form a big part of the rest of our lives. 

Over the ten years since that first visit we have grown to a family of five and still spend every summer in Mallorca seeing Mallorquin friends as well as those who visit us there from the UK.

Three major things have come from our Mallorcan journey.

Firstly, we are a family of flip flop wearers! 

BUT, they fall off, they get lost, the children can’t run in them and they can easily trip our toddler, grazing knees, which is the last thing we want on our way out for the evening. So, when our first born was still under five we started to develop what is now the Turtle Clip.  

Secondly, a love of turtles and the dangers they face from ocean waste which includes lost flip flops, fishing nets and boats.

With this in mind, we decided to tie in the practicality of our flip flop strap with our love of turtles, Mallorca and the Mediterranean by supporting the team at Palma Aquarium Foundation and Save The Med who do an incredible job of rehabilitating injured and sick turtles across the Mediterranean.

Thirdly, in Mallorca we drink freshly squeezed orange juice every day.

The island smells of oranges. That is why we have made our flip flops with an orange fragrance, transporting us to the sunshine that we love there on a wet and windy UK day.

Now our kids can run and jump in their flip flops whilst also being aware of the plight of turtles and other marine mammals in this time of huge plastic waste and ocean contamination.

They can make a difference by spreading that knowledge amongst their peers and also through our profit donation directly to the Palma Aquarium Foundation itself. 

Read more about the work of the Foundation and Save The Med.